A valid passport is mandatory to enter Costa Rica. All visitors need a passport and there must be at least six months remaining before the passport expires.
Make sure your passport is in GOOD physical condition
– you really can be denied entry……..no, REALLY!
Depending on your home country, you may enter Costa Rica without a visa. This applies to the USA, Canada and most European countries. The stamp you receive in your passport as you pass through immigration IS your visa, and expires based on what country you are from. For most of you reading this- it’s 90 days.
In general, the answer is No.
Before boarding the plane the airlines and customs agents will question your one-way ticket upon check in, and will DEMAND the purchase of a ticket out of Costa Rica within the 90 days (this can be VERY costly when at such a short notice and unexpected so, have a credit card handy). You didn’t hear from me but… Contact a bus company in Costa Rica over the internet, purchase a bus ticket to Nicaragua or Panama, (much cheaper) and copy the ticket showing you are indeed leaving the country (whether you do or not), this is adequate proof for the airlines and customs agents. Also be aware that there are penalties for staying over your 90 day visa.
An International license is not required. You are allowed to drive with your normal drivers license for whatever is the term of your visa. Granted that it is valid and not expired.
I love this question. Every web site pertaining to Costa Rica will tell you the water is safe to drink “in most parts of the country.” I do live here, and I do drink the water with no problems. But the fact is, why guess where it’s safe and where it’s not. Buy bottled water; it’s not worth your vacation. Move here, that’s a different story. Here’s the answer in VIDEO- But Can I Drink the water?
Costa Rica uses the colon. Where most tourist visit, US dollars are widely accepted, as are major credit cards (American Express not so much). I hate Travelers Checks, and I don’t recommend them on any level, at least here. Outside the major tourist destinations, it’s a good idea to have colones available, where few small hotels, sodas, or art galleries are even equipped to accept credit cards, and they may feel intimidated accepting American dollars- unsure of the conversion. Don’t even think about $50 or $100 bills, here, those are considered forgeries. Check out this video for more info.
Where you want to go- YES, don’t worry about it. Rural Costa Rica, maybe not so much, but rural is where you find the TRUE art, so bring some colones. Don’t forget- if everything is priced in dollars, you’re probably over paying anyways- this is known here as Gringo Pricing. Other money options
No vaccines are required to enter Costa Rica. That said, tetanus and hepatitis shots are always a good idea, regardless. Consult your physician.
Outlets here are 110 V, with standard US two prong plugs (or three prongs if grounded). Your hair blower, curling iron and all other appliances will work fine. Those of you from Europe will need the adapters, but you won’t find them here, so bring yours.
Dogs and cats entering Costa Rica must have a health certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian, endorsed by a veterinarian service (VS) veterinarian. The examination for the certificate must be conducted within the two weeks prior to traveling to Costa Rica. The required vaccinations are: hepatitis, distemper, parvovirus, leptospirosis, and rabies (for animals 4 months or older).
Yup, departure tax is somwhere around $29, but to save time and long lines the tax is now included in your airline ticket, so you do not have to pay again when you are leaving the country.
Costa Rica is a “Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t act,” country. Around San Jose and Manuel Antonio, gay is not a problem, and you may even get away with public displays of affection. Any other place, I’d say keep a low profile. Costa Rican’s are catholic and steeped in tradition, as far as their attitudes towards gays – it’s like the States back in the ‘60’s.
Really you cannot. But as with most rules, there are exceptions.
Much more info on Working in Costa Rica.
Costa Rica has a few ways.
Much more info on Working in Costa Rica.
Yes, you can get married in Costa Rica if you are a foreigner. The documents needed are: original birth certificate – notarized proof of single status – police record – legal/current passport – divorce decree (if applicable) – These documents need to follow the authentication procedure before being taken to Costa Rica. This means you must take or send these documents to a Costa Rica Embassy in your country BEFORE you come. They will attach tax stamps and return the documents to you. Check the Association of Residents of Costa Rica for updated information.
The difference between the rain forest and the cloud forest is mainly the altitude and the temperature. The rain forests are very hot and humid while the cloud forests are humid, moist, and colder. The species of flora and fauna are vastly different.
No, not really.
Things are getting better- but remember, here it’s ‘tico-time’ and everything takes awhile. The Poas Volcano National Park is the one that offers access for wheel chairs. Good News! It’s now a law that hotels need to have wheelchair accessible rooms. If a person owns a 2 room hotel, one has to be wheelchair friendly. The larger hotels also need a percentage of their rooms to be wheelchair accessible. Hopefully, this is enforced.
Top tourist destinations here are (in no particular order): La Fortuna/Arenal, Tamarindo, Manuel Antonio, Tortuguero, Puerto Viejo, Montezuma, Jacó, Dominical, Malpais/Santa Teresa, Drake Bay. Obviously, there’s more, but personally, I like traveling off the beaten path, and there’s plenty of places like that here. Where you visit in Costa Rica depends on your interests, you definitely need to do some homework to pick an itinerary that best suits you, because if you’re a nature lover, you wouldn’t want to spend all your time in Jacó. Actually, don’t get me started on Jacó.
Yes, there is.
Vaya Con Silla de Ruedas
Organizations that offer a vast range of resources and assistance to travelers with disabilities include: MossRehab
SATH (Society for Accessible Travel & Hospitality)
Access-Able Travel Source
Travel agencies that offer customized tours and itineraries for travelers with disabilities are:
Flying Wheels Travel
Accessible Journeys
When you enter Costa Rica, your passport is stamped- that is your visa. Americans, Canadians, and most Europeans can renew their visa by leaving Costa Rica for 72 hours, upon return the visa will be renewed automatically for 90 more days. Many expats make the trek to Panama or Nicaragua every 3 months to keep their visa current and legal. These people are known as Perpetual Tourists. These people may be skating on thin ice; it’s a much better idea if you’re going to live here to apply for residency.
Really, only three things: insect repellent, a rain coat with a hood and hiking boots.
A raincoat with a hood is better for hikes and rain forest adventures, but an umbrella for casual walking around town. You rarely see a Tico without an umbrella close at hand. When vacation time is over, donate your umbrella to a wet Tico.
Yes. SANSA at www.flysansa.com, They have scheduled flights to all the major tourist destinations within Costa Rica.
Sales tax is 13% but some other travel related taxes are 17%
Dial 911. It’s probably safe to say that the operator will not speak English.
On the rivers: Pacuare, Reventazon, Peñas Blancas, Toro, Corobici, Sarapiqui, Naranjo, Savagre, or Rio Celeste. There are a ton of tour operators here offering rafting on rivers from class 2 to class 5.
The main places are:
Check ahead for best dates and times for turtle viewing.
North: Nicaragua
South: Panama
East: The Caribbean Sea
West: The Pacific Ocean.
Costa Rica is comprised of seven provinces:
Technically, no you don’t.
You never have to tip cab drivers.
Check the restaurant bill- most tack on the 10% service charge, not to mention the 13% tax if it’s not included in the price of your meal. Service is never really that great here, so it’s easy not to tip. Check out the bill, then go from there, but about a quarter of what you would tip in the states.
I would tip anyone lugging my bags up 3 flights of stairs- about a buck a bag. Maids, that’s your call, but not mandatory, merely appreciated. You can tip bartenders if you want, but it’s not mandatory unlike the states where it’s common to tip a buck a beer. Here, if you do, about 25 cents or 50 colonies per frosty beverage.
I’m not a fan of San José except to party- they have some nice clubs.
That said, there are a couple of good day trips to a few of the nearby parks and attractions such as Poas Volcano National Park, the La Paz Waterfall Gardens. Also check out the Plaza de la Cultura or shopping at the Plaza de la Democracia. San José is ‘any’ city, anywhere, but dirtier.
Spend the majority of your time outside of San José and see what Costa Rica is really about.
And I also heard Costa Rican’s are lousy drivers, is this true?
Yes, they can be in certain places at certain times, but this is getting a little better and yes, they’re worse than what you heard.
Check out this driving video on what to expect in Costa Rica.