It’s probably a good idea to jot some of these numbers down, just in case. Obviously someplace where they’re readily accessible, cause you never know.
Embassies & Consulates– Located on the road to Pavas and in front of Centro Commercial is the United States Embassy. The number is 2519-2000 or 2220-3127 after hours in case of an emergency. Canadian Consulate, is located in Oficentro Ejecutivo La Sabana, Edificio 5 and the number is 2242-4400; and British Embassy, Paseo Colon between calles 38 and 40, the number is 2258-2025. Australia and New Zealand have no embassies in San Jose.
Emergencies– Like the United States, dial 911 in case of an emergency and they should have an English-speaking operator; for an ambulance, call 128 and to report a fire, call 118.
Hospitals– Clinica Biblica, Avenida 14 between calles Central and 1. The phone number is (506) 2522-1000 and their web address is: www.clinicabiblica.com. Clinica Biblica is located close to downtown and has several English-speaking doctors.
Hospital CIMA is located in Escazu on the Prospero Fernandez Highway, which connects San Jose and the suburb of Santa Ana. Hospital CIMA has the most modern facilities in the country.
Phone number (506) 2208-1000
Emergency number 2208-1144
Web address is: www.hospitalsanjose.net
Police– Just like the states, the emergency number is 911, or 2222-1365.
Although they should have someone available who speaks English, it is not a given.
Judicial Police call 2222-1365 and 2221-5337.
Traffic Police (Policia de Transito), call 2222-9330 and 2222-9245.
Other Useful Telephone Numbers– Dial 113 for directory assistance and 124 for international directory assistance. Although only in Spanish, for the exact time dial 112.
Legal Aid– If you need legal help, first try your local embassy or consulate. The premier Costa Rican gringo newspaper, the Tico Times always carries advertisements from local English-speaking lawyers.